
EU 구인구직

[영국] 신한은행, 은행사무원(Compliance Junior) 채용공고 ( ~ 2024.05.03/ 정규직)

2024-04-17 23:50

영국 신한은행 에서 함께할 은행사무원(Compliance Junior)을 모집하고 있습니다. 관심있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.

직종 은행 사무원
모집기한 2024-04-09 ~ 2024-05-03
모집인원 1명
국가 영국
  • 학력: 대학(교) 졸업
  • 경력: 무관
  • 외국어능력: [필수] 영어(최상) : 모든 상황에서의 의사소통이 가능한 수준  /[필수]  한국어(최상) : 모국어 수준의 언어 구사
  • 고용형태: 정규직
  • 근무지역: 영국
  • 근무시간: 8시간/일
  • 급여(한화): 면접 후 결정
주요업무내용 To assist with
- Submission of reports to Head Office on the Bank’s reporting system
- Submission of regulatory compliance reports
- Updating policies and procedures
- Summarizing regulatory updates/JMLSG guidance including gap analysis to ascertain regulatory requirement are met
- Compliance/AML monitoring
- CDD on-boarding and refresh documentation reviews
- Projects and relevant deadlines - recording minutes and follow up with deadlines
- Complaints handling /breaches
- Sanction screening - Safewatch and Aither system related
- Investigations
- Research/interpretation of rules
- Compliance testings
- Reviews and action of matters raised by the HOSeeking to
- provide monthly MI from the Aither system required for reporting purposes to General Management or AML analysis in the absence of an IT department, liaising with Head Office IT as required.
- Keep up-to-date with relevant compliance and AML rules and regulations
그 외 자격요건 Responsibility for
- Rolling out compliance/AML training and administering the timely completion and filing/analysis of results
- Dealing with all Head Office training (ie notifications) collate the same for HO reporting confirmations
- Setting up training webinars and relevant communications with staff including attendance records
- Conducting annual Dow Jones employee checks in accordance with the CMP
- Updating and uploading relevant sanction Lists onto the WLF system
- Updating and uploading the Bank’s country risk assessment following integration of HMT and EU notices and calibrate as necessary
- Uploading and summarizing relevant reports, policies and procedures and correspondence for electronic Head Office/London approval
- Tracking annual reviews as well as maintaining, uploading relevant policies and procedures onto the firms’ IT system (S-BASIC)
- Compliance and application of the regulatory conduct rules
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